Friday, March 18, 2016

New system that alarts you if you are being hacked

In CNN they have posted a new hacking system made by Microsoft that can alarm you from being hacked. this can help the people that can have any windows produces. If you are being hacked on your Microsoft device than they will send you notifications

microsoft hacking alerts

Thursday, March 3, 2016

In the CNN article it has stated that six flags will be having a ride that will be using the Samsung Gear VR for one of their roller coaster.  This will be starting this month for six flags in Texas, Georgia, California, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York and Quebec will have the chance to be on one of theses rides with the VR on. the reason why they are doing this is to change how ride roller coasters. so instead of seeing the metal beams you'll be seeing a different world as you ride the ride.  

six flags samsung vr roller coaster