Thursday, October 30, 2014

Tech Blog 12/31/14

Cybercrime costs the global economy an estimated $400 billion a year, and as it grows in scale and sophistication, the law has to do the same. In this CNN Article it states that the Secret service  has been prevented this. Only a one million was lost during this incident. Over time the Secret service needs to step up there game to fight the cartels that are on the internet. Rob Wainwright stats that the service need to be better at there skills when they are dealing with cybercrimes all over the world.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Google tests provides live chats with doctors

On this cnn article Google is Testing live chats with real doctors anytime. But it has to be for medical problems nothing stuiped. But as of right now it's just a test. Google is putting a lot of money into this before it is even public. Sadly there is no video of this but only images. So here at the example of how it would look like if you were looking for something. but other wise its easier for the patient to get information than searching for sites that can give false information about what ever problem you have.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blindness gone in 10 years

This CNN article states that in 10 years people will not be blind anymore. about 250 million people on the planet are blind.  Dr. Josef Bille the man man that made laser eye surgery will be helping with this. the main use for the getting rid of blindness is use the leaser eye surgery, but the surgery is going to have a good thing out of it. the surgery will allow the human eye twice as better than a regular human eye. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

New Airport Scanners

When you arrive to a airport you have to go through a huge line for a security but that takes forever though. Now that we keep making things that can help in America we have built a new way to find new ways to find things in side the pockets. Now that is out of the way he is a short video for the new product